Chiropractic Treatment
Chiropractic was founded in 1895, in the USA, by Daniel David Palmer. He theorised that good health is dependent upon a normally functioning nervous system, especially the spine and nerves extending from the spine to all parts of the body. It is well accepted that the nerve system (brain, spinal cord and nerves) control and coordinate the organs, glands, muscles, cells and tissues in the human body. Chiropractors may sometimes refer to a patient’s subluxations, which are a misalignment of the spine that interferes with nerve signals transmitted by the brain.
Our Chiropractors at Key Chiropractic in Midland will take a case history then examine the spine to ascertain any areas of spinal dysfunction that may be causing pressure or tension to the nerve system.
Pharmaceutical medications are not prescribed. Patients may be treated by gentle manipulation or adjustment of the spine, which are usually performed on a special Chiropractic table. Length and frequency of treatments will vary depending on a range of factors including the degree of severity of the problem presented, lifestyle factors, age and degenerative changes in the spine. Due to their gentle nature, modern Chiropractic techniques are remarkably safe for people of all ages, including the elderly, children, and infants.